New to Chatham County

Chatham County Schools is graduating globally competitive students by providing a rigorous and relevant curriculum in a supportive, safe and nurturing learning environment.
Chatham County Schools has 20 schools: one early college, five high schools (four traditional, one alternative), three middle schools, five K-8 schools and five elementary schools. Just under 9,000 students are enrolled in kindergarten through 12th grade.
Click the tiles below or call the phone number to talk to the school data manager.
*Dual Language Program Guidelines
Get enrolled
Contact the data manager at the school to which your child is assigned. (School Assignment Locator)
You'll need the following to enroll your child:
New Procedures for Proof of Residency - Effective 10-09-2024 /Nuevos Procedimientos para Prueba de Residencia
Proof of guardianship, if not the biological parent
Birth certificate
Immunization record